阿宾顿 senior unlocks creativity at 阿宾顿 LaunchBox

Darryl 格雷戈里 embarks on a journey of innovation and skill development with LaunchBox resources
Darryl 格雷戈里 holds up a 3D print of a bee in front of a wall that says "Don't quit your daydream."

宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 senior Darryl 格雷戈里 takes advantage of the resources available at the 宾州州立大学提供的阿宾顿 LaunchBox, such as the 3D printers and the Cricut computer-controlled cutting machine.

资料来源:Darryl 格雷戈里提供

阿宾顿. Pa. — 宾州州立大学阿宾顿分校 senior Darryl 格雷戈里 has always loved designing, 建筑, 创作艺术作品. 直到有人把他介绍给 宾州州立大学提供的阿宾顿 LaunchBox that he realized he could cultivate and apply his creative skillsets for valuable endeavors.  

阿宾顿发射箱,一部分 创造澳门威尼斯人官网’s LaunchBox and Innovation Network 在英联邦有21家分店, connects Philadelphia region entrepreneurs to the support and resources they need to build a sustainable and scalable business with a viable plan for growth. 阿宾顿 LaunchBox offers several resources including hands-on makerspace tools, 播客工作室, 1:1的指导和辅导, 以及教育活动. 

Noting 格雷戈里’s outstanding curiosity and creativity in his business class, 彼得公司, business lecturer and director of the 阿宾顿 LaunchBox, encouraged 格雷戈里 to check out all the hands-on resources the LaunchBox has to offer. 

“创业 is a creative function,” said Hornberger.  “We want the 阿宾顿 LaunchBox to be a place where people can work on their business ideas as much as they can find creative inspiration for ideas that have not yet formed. Darryl is a great example of how exercising his creative functions helps him to identify new possibilities for his hobbies, 事业或新的商业冒险.” 

格雷戈里, 市场营销和管理专业, has specifically taken advantage of 阿宾顿 LaunchBox’s 3D printers as well as the Cricut computer-controlled cutting machine. 

“The 阿宾顿 LaunchBox has helped me gain real-world skills,格雷戈里说. “For me, I’m not necessarily using the business aspect of LaunchBox, but the creative side. While you’re having fun creating, you’re also learning new technologies. I started with something as small as creating a sticker and a 3D print of a bee, and now I understand what to do if there’s a failed print. I understand the software that goes into making a 3D model. I understand how to turn something 2D into something 3D.” 

格雷戈里 mentioned how he was able to apply the Cricut skills he learned at LaunchBox directly to his current part-time job with the university. This experience made him recognize the creative aspect of his personality as a valuable skill set for pursuing a future career. Additionally, his time at LaunchBox prompted him to enroll in the 创业 & 辅修创新(ENTI). 

“LaunchBox forces you to think outside of the box, no matter what major you are,格雷戈里说. “LaunchBox is not just for business — you can do things with engineering, 护理, 学习新技术. Peter will meet you at your level where you are and help you succeed.” 

格雷戈里最近被选为 澳门威尼斯人官网创业周由PNC提供支持 联邦校园奖学金, 谁来报销学生的住宿费, 餐, transportation and parking costs to attend Startup Week events at 大学公园. 

创业周期间, 格雷戈里’s creative ambitions were further reinforced by speaker Aaron Maybin, 他曾是美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)球员,后来成为艺术活动家, 谁谈到了艺术与行动主义的交集. 活动期间, Maybin explored the importance of vulnerability and empathy when pursuing innovative ideas. 

“That vulnerability helped me realize my potential, 所以我对其他学生的建议是, 不要限制自己, 不要害羞, 并且知道犯错误是正常的,格雷戈里说. “I think everybody should be spending time at a LaunchBox no matter what major they are — it’s an incredible resource. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t found out about it. It opened my mind to possibilities of what I can do and adds another layer of depth to my studies.” 


创造澳门威尼斯人官网 is a commonwealth-wide initiative to spur economic development, 创造就业机会和学生事业成功. 创造澳门威尼斯人官网 blends 创业-focused academic programs, 创业培训和孵化, 商业化资金, and university/community/industry collaborations to facilitate the challenging process of turning research discoveries into valuable products and services that can benefit 宾西法尼亚ns and humankind.   

This project was financed in part by a grant from the Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚, 社区及经济发展司.